Thursday, April 12, 2007

travel travails

long time since last post....rather...long time since i got all that mean feedback for the last post....i admit it was not upto standard

well..i was kinda busy...u know the kinda busy when ppl uproot themselves from current surrounding and plonk in a new one?
yup...i changed jobs.
kinda long overdue...

the new place is nice...very organised...and work sounds interesting. is also deathly quiet....normally
one of the neighbours plays bhajans on the comp. ALL THE TIME.
i am sorely tempted to write abt work and the ppl at work....actually...dying to do that...but the risk of those same ppl at work readingwhat i write is too big a one to take. especially since i put my blog link on a fool. which of course i have removed i desist.
yeah a fraidy cat...but hey...i need this job :)

due to some special connections with my current place of work is abt 26km from home.
so i takes the train to work.
before that an auto to the station from home. and a shuttle after the train to work.
i like to spread the goodwill...
the train is surprisingly convinient to travel..but the frequency is hopeless.

lots of interesting ppl on the guy i was sitting next to once...was boring the skullbones off his friend...who i fervently pray...was not his gf. he had a tiny list in his hand....ostensibly of things he wants to do in this lifetime. since he wanted to talk abt EACH one of them in painful detail...i had no choice.
ppl...i was NOT eavesdropping. plz note.
anyways...a few from his list
"do good work" (is there any definition for that ...really?)
"eat good food daily...not from cafeteria" (cafeteria...r u listening??)
"go for hillstation vacation every year"
"learn to play musical instrument"
"sleep in good hotel....." dont even ask me what he meant by that last one.

not one "go bungee jumping" or "get a tattoo" type desire.
sad life.

had my b'day last wk. husband got me TWO calvin and hobbes :)))))))))))) yayyy!!
and a wickedly delicious darrrrrrrk chocolate cake
yum yum yummmmm

the airconditioner here replicates the tundra region.
am shivering....and forever calling the maintainance guys to turn it off.
till some moron complains its too hot. and then the cycle starts all over again.