Tuesday, November 21, 2006

psuedo monsoon...

It rained in Abu Dhabi y'day!!
Before anyone starts thinking how sad my life is...that i wud write abt this...let me tell u...it rains once in a year here.
and yesterday was that golden day. i feel like i witnessed part of history....
one solid hour of rain. everything looked squeaky clean after it...like its been given a good wipe with Colinspray :)

folks out here promptly celebrated by having several accidents in that time. The whole idea of "oh-its-been-raining-maybe-i-shouldnt-drive-at-120mph-just-now" just doesnt hit them.

the local hindi radio channel decided to commemorate it by playing rain songs on the 9pm slot. songs were gud...the bad part was...the opening trailer for the show was that sick anu malik song...dekho baarish ho raheeee hai...yuck yuck yuck.

y'day the boss came and said..we shd be outta her by december 1st week. then said...lets just say 2nd week maxxx. i have a sad awareness of what this means.

someone plz explain to me...the whole deal of giving acheivement/samman awards to bollywood actors??? they r just doing their obscenely-high-paying jobs rite? since when did that become award worthy...
and they surely dont need the publicity...OR the money.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

i'm back! from where...u might ask...well...just back to the blog..

i ACTUALLY had ppl asking me why i havent updated the blog. i cannot describe the warm cosy ..feet-a-few-feet-above-the-ground feeling this gives me. Ppl actually read what i write? or maybe i am the only one in their radar mad enough to rant in print.
yeneways...shall take it in positive sense...

and comments....OMG...2 comments...unbelievable...first time i saw it..i was like WOW!! made coming back from vacation...totally worth it.

yess....thaz riiite...i was on vacation...a supposed visa renewal break...conviniently converted into a diwali vacation. had a fabulous time...lots of yumm home food...diet plan totally collapsed, lots of relatives and no expectations of doing anything constructive all day. yayyy.
all i want now is a well paying job to pick seashells all day on a beach in the west indies.

in absense of that...came back to AD..and horror horror...back to work. first 2 days were awful....brain refused to come out of vacation induced stupor...
10 days after return...am sadly back on track.

recent movies...
the break up...pass
Don... UGGGHHHH!!!
the UGGHH rating has a lot to do with the theatre we saw it in...it was abt the size of my living room...ok...abt 2 times that...and had a insufferably small screen. felt like it was one of those big lcd screen tv's in a room...and they took 30 AED for that. per person.i felt so cheated. spent the first 10 minutes hollering ' i want a bigger screeeeeeeeen'.
not that it mattered....
nor did anyone hear me
or throw me out for disorderly conduct...coz no one watches hindi movies in AD..and the theatre consequently had a grand total of 7 ppl in it....us included.
all of whom were disgusted by the movie...i may add...

the ex-prez of eyerakk is gonna hang. gud.
but will it change the world? i dont think so.

Friday, October 06, 2006

mobile machinations

weekend today!!

which means total disregard of time of day concepts..wake up at 10, brkfast at 12 and snunch (snaks + lunch) at 4.
i just love the whole concept of not doing stuff at the 'right time'.

had yummm matar patis for brunch...be nice to me and i might give u the recipe.

have been having amazing amounts of fun over the last week ....by doing a simple act of omission. We had a mobile fone...whose subscription ran out...and since i am a stingy, pennypinching miser, didnt renew it.
but it has been so worth it.
its amazing...what a single sentence like 'i dont have a mobile phone' does to people.
sample these:
"what do u mean you dont have a mobile?? heheh...am sure u just dont want to give me the number"
...well yes...that was one of the selling points.
"What???? no mobile?? then how am i supposed to contact you after office hours?
"but why yaar?? why u didnt renew? u shd renew na? i mean...how can u not have a mobile?"
...its not a body part i was supplied with ...alas

if i knew i cud irritate so many ppl like this...i wud have done it long ago.

am going hoooome next week.
the excitement of getting out of desert and back to home country is making me walk around with a big stupid grin on my face.
enough to make me forget that i gotta work for an entire week before 'happy days are here again'
i cant help it
and i cannottttt wait!!! :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Long time since last post.

I could blame work....which i certainly had lots of...but its more due to laziness really :)

the weekend was good. had lots of yumm self cooking. finished the geisha book. good read....diff subject...although i felt the last part of it was quite rushed and abruptly finished.
or maybe thats the lingering mystery element of the book...

am again on prowl for something new to read.
have recently taken to trying out the crossword . but i can rarely get more than half completed. I've always thought the ability to do crosswords is terribly intellectual...but i guess this proves that intellectual...i is not :(

guy wrote article in TOI abt how the web is getting clogged by bloggers....most of whom are failed frustrated writers who vent all their spleen in the blogs blooh blah blah
what a desperado.

today is Dashera! Happy Dashera to all.
I want to see the whole Ravan burning thing...without which Dashera is just not Dashera.
u know what i mean.
Place where i grew up...it used to rain every single time on Dashera day. so everytime there would be this huge buzz on the grounds where the Ravan would stand.....will it burn this time...or wont it? will it ...wont it?
great fun :) miss those days!

I made kheer for the team today...festival special. was yummm.
and everyone is healthy so far.
Earned a lot of goodwill ....which i will certainly use when we come to the documentation phase of this project. heheheheh

tata for now

Monday, September 25, 2006

post meeting slump...

A cacophony of voices
....arguing meaningless points
Another client meeting
.....the consultant stands by

That more or less sums up what i've been doing this evening.
Now 3 hours and 1 splitting headache later, i have totally forgotten what I was doing before the meeting...

bought memoirs of a geisha over the weekend. the whole world has probably read it by now...even the movie is long made and buried. better late than never

bought new box of brkfast cereal...which contains...of all things...coconut flakes...
what moment of madness made me buy it??? i do not like dried cocunut flakes...especially the sugar coated variety. and they taste really bad.
so maybe this wkend i will pick out all the offending pieces and make nariyal ki barfi with it.
or maybe not...am too lazy.

why do i have this false sense of euphoria that wkend is just round the corner....its only the second day of the week :(
for all the ppl reading this and not living in the middle east...its the second day of the week for me...and just Monday for u!!!
i feel so gud after rubbing this in ;))
how do u feel ?

Friday, September 22, 2006

taxis on weekends

finding taxis on a weekend. Oh dear Lord...
spent more than an hour y'day craning my neck and peering hopefully at cabs vroooming by.
more than the waiting...its the smug looks on the faces of those in the cab that bug me...
the..'i-already-found-a-cab-r-u-STILL-waiting-for-one??' look.

everytime i go to a certain supermarket here, i wait for atleast 45 mins in a line for a cab. every single time. why r'nt there more cabs?? the need is certainly there for all to see!!
i must've been sleeping in economics class coz demand and supply certainly doesnt work the way i thought it shd....
autos in Hyd are an even better patience building activity....they actually ask u where u wanna go...and then shake their head in disgust like 'u wanna go there?? ugghhh...what bad choices!!'

bought a pack of water colors and a sketch book y'day. have no clue why...but feel a sudden urge to do something with colors. my art teacher tried his best to scrape a D for me in art in school...i was that bad at it. but now i want to play with water colors.
painted a table with a flowerpot on it. had funn...whooppeeee :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Food musings

I had tandoori roti for lunch. the cold rubberised type. I cannot imagine why anyone wud want to eat something like this voluntarily. i dont like it...but others in the team do...so no choice...grin and tear it..

of course...i have choices ...for instance i can cook and save myself this trouble. but waking up predawn and cooking is sooo not my style.
is it healthy to cook for the week, freeze it and then reheat over the week?
i dunno...
thats what i do..but the guilt of stale food stabs me everytime i put the stuff in the microwave. adding to the agony of ....is microwave food really good for me??
i convince myself that my frozen food is healthier than the fresh oily hotel food.
there..my guilt has disappeared :) yay

am in gulf these days...and ramzan is starting this weekend. which means no tea cofee in office and maybe the rubber roti wala wont deliver lunch. cant eat in public in daytime.....oh well.....maybe i'll lose some weight.
am eternal optimist.

everyday me and my colleague try to bully each other to arrange for the evening fruit attack...its his turn today...but alas...i come back from a stroll in the corridors and he's escaped!! poof

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

first time!!

I am new to this blogging whingding.
but der aaye...durust aaye...

i have no idea why anyone wud want to scroll by my blog...but nevertheless...a short and totally uninformative introduction would be in order i guess.

caught the blog bug from some of my yembeeyay'ed friends who seem to be particularly attached to this form of whatzitcalled........
by now all may surmise...i am not part of the yembeeyay community.

figured blog wud be a great way to get all that daily ranting and musing done ....and put on paper....like the diary i have been planning to write all these yrs...but havent...coz too lazy to fill ink in fountain pens. Yup...thatz right...i dont like ball point pens. Dunno why...just dont.
Funny thing is....i hated it when they forced us to write with them in school....and now cant write with anything else.
anyways...now i type much faster than i write....so its gud.

ok...continuing with the intro....am a lil bit travelled nomad....first due to dad's job and now due to my job. anyways enjoys it....am number cruncher by profession...but have brain crunched by clients in job....yup its true...am a 'consultant'

well thats all for today.
more tomorrow mebbee?