Monday, October 02, 2006

Long time since last post.

I could blame work....which i certainly had lots of...but its more due to laziness really :)

the weekend was good. had lots of yumm self cooking. finished the geisha book. good read....diff subject...although i felt the last part of it was quite rushed and abruptly finished.
or maybe thats the lingering mystery element of the book...

am again on prowl for something new to read.
have recently taken to trying out the crossword . but i can rarely get more than half completed. I've always thought the ability to do crosswords is terribly intellectual...but i guess this proves that intellectual...i is not :(

guy wrote article in TOI abt how the web is getting clogged by bloggers....most of whom are failed frustrated writers who vent all their spleen in the blogs blooh blah blah
what a desperado.

today is Dashera! Happy Dashera to all.
I want to see the whole Ravan burning thing...without which Dashera is just not Dashera.
u know what i mean.
Place where i grew used to rain every single time on Dashera day. so everytime there would be this huge buzz on the grounds where the Ravan would stand.....will it burn this time...or wont it? will it ...wont it?
great fun :) miss those days!

I made kheer for the team today...festival special. was yummm.
and everyone is healthy so far.
Earned a lot of goodwill ....which i will certainly use when we come to the documentation phase of this project. heheheheh

tata for now

1 comment:

Bivas said...

u meant the dmj ravana? i remember that...really they had to put kerosene n petrol sometimes which was so hilarious...imagine ram killing ravan with a petrol induced arrow instead of the brahmastra ;-)