Friday, September 22, 2006

taxis on weekends

finding taxis on a weekend. Oh dear Lord...
spent more than an hour y'day craning my neck and peering hopefully at cabs vroooming by.
more than the waiting...its the smug looks on the faces of those in the cab that bug me...
the..'i-already-found-a-cab-r-u-STILL-waiting-for-one??' look.

everytime i go to a certain supermarket here, i wait for atleast 45 mins in a line for a cab. every single time. why r'nt there more cabs?? the need is certainly there for all to see!!
i must've been sleeping in economics class coz demand and supply certainly doesnt work the way i thought it shd....
autos in Hyd are an even better patience building activity....they actually ask u where u wanna go...and then shake their head in disgust like 'u wanna go there?? ugghhh...what bad choices!!'

bought a pack of water colors and a sketch book y'day. have no clue why...but feel a sudden urge to do something with colors. my art teacher tried his best to scrape a D for me in art in school...i was that bad at it. but now i want to play with water colors.
painted a table with a flowerpot on it. had funn...whooppeeee :)

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