Friday, November 13, 2009

dumb questions

why is it that ppl CONSTANTLY ask the mother of a lil baby...the following?

why is he crying? (if i knew i wud have done something abt it long ago)

why is he so silent today? ( give his mother a lil u mind?)

not sleeping??? (no he just slept before this feed. entirely unlikely that he will sleep again. do not risk decapitation by asking this again)

what? again feed? (when i last checked....i am the one doing the if it doesnt bother me...who are u again?)

oh....he has gas....thats why he was sleeping/was not sleeping/was crying/was silent/was not looking at me with adoring bambi eyes (grrrrr)

dont let him sleep now/put him to sleep now. (if only i had so much control...)



Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

Oooh I've been there and how! Is she getting enough milk (at EVERY feed)- always followed by I don't think she's getting enough, that's why she's crying!! And- is the poop color/ texture normal- at EVERY diaper change! My daughter is almost 8months old now and the questions are still going strong :)

Unknown said...

congrats on the lil one! welcome to the chaos that is motherhood

Anupriya Kapur said...

hahaha....i can totally relate to it :)